Purchasing hard copies of legislation

Printed copies of legislation can be ordered through this website.

An Act or statutory rule enacted or made after 1 January 2019 can be purchased using the 'buy printed copy' button that appears on that Act or statutory rule's page in the 'As Made' section of this website.

If an Act or statutory rule is currently in force, the latest authorised version of that Act or statutory rule can be purchased using the 'buy printed copy' button that appears on that Act or statutory rule's page in the 'In force' section of this website.

Users can also order and purchase legislation in person at the TIMG Bookshop, Level 10, 575 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000. For more information, contact the LitSupport/TIMG service desk at (03) 8621 6767 or at VICLegislation@timg.com.

Only the current version of an Act or statutory rule that is currently in force is available for purchase. Older versions can be downloaded from this site.

Some local and personal Acts are not yet available for purchase in hard copy, because authorised versions of those Acts are not yet available. The creation of authorised versions of those Acts is an ongoing process.